This morning it was raining, it was only 10 AM and already the parking lot had a bunch of cars in the normal spots. I have a sick child in tow, and I just needed to run in for one thing...Boogie Wipes. I was not about to park about 10 spots away, when I didn't have a jacket for M (it started to rain after we left the house, and I know I should have brought one anyhoo, but). So I decided to do what I have always wanted to do and didn't have the balls to do - I parked in the "Expectant Mother" parking (which by the way was all empty - not one spot taken!!).
You would have thought I was about to rob a bank I was so nervous getting out of the car. What if an employee sees me? What if they ask when I am due? Ok, I can say that I just found out, and it is early and I have yet to go to the doctor...yeah that is a good story.
I actually stuck out my stomach and did the "pregnant woman who touches her belly all the time" routine as I was walking into the store. It was pathetic. I spotted two employees outside of the store when I was walking back to my car so I even went to the extreme of asking M "do you want a baby sister or brother?" I am insane.
But I am seriously thinking about writing a note to Babies R Us corporate about this. Yes, it is fine to have a 2-3 spots for expectant mothers, but 16 spots? There needs to be parking for mothers with infants/toddlers close to the store, as it is hard enough to find a spot in the parking lot on most days.
That is all I have to say about that.
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